Transforming everything

I have explored many approaches, and understandings of the human mind, as a result how I work has been an evolution. From the behavioural, to the psychology, to the spiritual.

I now offer my clients the ‘direct path’ to transformative, pervasive and sustainable change. 

My approach: Focuses on an inquiry into the nature of mind, reality and what we are. Once you have experienced realisations about the nature of human experience, we explore how this turns up in your psychology and day to day life. 

The results:  A different way of seeing what we are; pervasive shifts in your level of clarity, peace, connection, creativity and flow in all aspects of life and work.

Who I Work With

Coaching for Private Clients

I work with individuals who want to transform their lives.

People who want the gap between dreams and reality to evaporate. You might be ‘stuck in a rut’ and need coaching to get you out, or you might want to raise the bar on success and happiness.

My clients find that regardless of what they think they wanted from coaching, they gain even more. 


Quality of Mind: Foundational, transformative and universal

Coaching for Leaders

Due to my significant experience and expertise many of my clients are business leaders and business owners.

Coaching in Organisations

I work with organisations unlocking their potential and value. Coaching and facilitating with teams and groups

Mentoring Coaches

With over 20 years coaching experience, I have mentored and trained many fellow coaches. My focus now is with coaches who want to transition to the direct path non understanding as a foundation to their change work

About Me


For virtually all of my life I have been curious about what makes people tick, and the nature of the human condition. I have been working in the personal and corporate change arena for over 20 years. Prior to that I worked in consumer branding and innovation for some of the world's leading blue chip companies.

My Commercial Expertise

During my working life, I have gained experience and developed expertise in a variety of commercial contexts. My clients have included Unilever, Mars, Shell, Kraft, Coca Cola, Ford, HSBC, Barclays, McCann World Group, GSK, Interbrand, ASDA, Bacardi, BSKYB, Anglepoise, Tesco, Saudi Aramco, Zahid Group, the NHS, and various local and central government organisations.

Coaching Hours
0 +
Countries Worked In
0 +

My Family Life

I am lucky enough to have two children, a daughter, Abbey aged 13, and a son Max aged 11. ​My children are my first priority and along side that I love being healthy (yoga, cycling, & running) and I love new, whether that be technology or crypto.

My Qualifications

Along the way I have picked up qualifications, and accreditations; from Law as an undergrad, to NLP to hypnotherapy. It has never been about the piece of paper. But if are interested to know which ones I have collected ask me.

What Clients Say

“In 40 years of management training I’ve never come across anything like this, it’s really different and it can make a huge impact.” 

Operations Director, Kerry Foods

“Once you see this, there is nowhere else to look, the holy grail. I now have more peace, purpose, and performance.”

HRD Consultant & Coach


I deliver profound, thought provoking and relevant keynote presentations at conferences and corporate events all over the world. Topics I speak on include

  • Releasing the hidden horsepower of organisational performance: ‘Quality of Mind’ – The missing variable

  • Creating sustainable ‘inside-out’ change in organisations

  • Coaching in the workplace – Embedding a coaching culture
  • Why before Psychology is the only place to look

  • Coaching – Are we diluting the marketplace?

  • Having Transformative Conversations – Enabling vertical change
  • Innate Well-being and Wisdom – Understanding how the system really works

  • Pleasure, Happiness and Fulfillment – The confused trinity

  • The ‘Inside-Out’ Revolution – Turning traditional psychology on its head



It does vary on the individual client’s need. However typically, we will work together for around 6-8 months. Initially we work more intensively, the sessions then become more spread out. I do also offer a shorter immersive format. As well as the live sessions you will get plenty of resources to continue your realisations and virtually unlimited Whatsapp support from me during our programme. 

I can work with anyone who has the relevant degree of curiousity and commitment. However typically I work with business owners, and leaders. There is no pre-requisite to have anything ‘wrong’ or be struggling in life or work, many of my clients just want to go from ‘good to great’.

It varies on the situation, format and timing. However what I offer is transformative and potentially game changing compared to conventional approaches, and the value proposition reflects that. That having being said I have been told repeatedly I could charge much more… To find out what that means in terms of actual fees, contact me, and we can chat, as the fit needs to be right and mutual.

Absolutely, most of my work is with organisations and teams – have a look at my website:

To understand more about the foundation behind my work subscribe to the podcast: QualityofMind. 


If you like to understand more about how I can help you in your specific situation and what benefits and outcomes you can expect, a conversation is best. Just drop me a line

How come if this is so powerful aren’t more coaches and change agents using the same approach? Two reasons 1) It is more common now than it was 5 years ago, and is growing, the reason it has not grown faster is that because initially it can appear very counter to what we have been conditioned to believe, and can look abstract and not relevant 2) It has taken me many years to get the right balance of profundity  – that bring the transformative life changing power, and practicality and accessibility – which means you hear enough initially to get to the life changing bit…


My work is best experienced, as opposed to read about, so please contact me to find out more



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My work is best experienced, as opposed to read about, so please contact me to find out more. I’d appreciate opportunity to explain how it could be relevant for you