What does a typical Coaching Programme look like?
It does vary on the individual client’s need. However typically, we will work together for around 6-8 months. Initially we work more intensively, the sessions then become more spread out. I do also offer a shorter immersive format. As well as the live sessions you will get plenty of resources to continue your realisations and virtually unlimited Whatsapp support from me during our programme.
Who are your typical clients?
I can work with anyone who has the relevant degree of curiousity and commitment. However typically I work with business owners, and leaders. There is no pre-requisite to have anything ‘wrong’ or be struggling in life or work, many of my clients just want to go from ‘good to great’.
What about the fees?
It varies on the situation, format and timing. However what I offer is transformative and potentially game changing compared to conventional approaches, and the value proposition reflects that. That having being said I have been told repeatedly I could charge much more… To find out what that means in terms of actual fees, contact me, and we can chat, as the fit needs to be right and mutual.
Do you work with teams and organisations?
Absolutely, most of my work is with organisations and teams – have a look at my website: www.qualityofmind.biz
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If you like to understand more about how I can help you in your specific situation and what benefits and outcomes you can expect, a conversation is best. Just drop me a line
Why isn't this understanding more common place?
How come if this is so powerful aren’t more coaches and change agents using the same approach? Two reasons 1) It is more common now than it was 5 years ago, and is growing, the reason it has not grown faster is that because initially it can appear very counter to what we have been conditioned to believe, and can look abstract and not relevant 2) It has taken me many years to get the right balance of profundity – that bring the transformative life changing power, and practicality and accessibility – which means you hear enough initially to get to the life changing bit…